There are a variety of vision problems that often interfere with Achievement in reading, writing, learning, and school. Undiagnosed vision challenges can cause the following:
make it difficult to learn to read
cause words to look double
loss of place while reading
poor handwriting
unable to understand what they are reading
poor memory/difficulty remembering what was read
school and homework taking far too much valuable family time
constant battles over doing homework
Parents and educators often mistakenly think these students are lazy, dyslexic, or have poor attention. These struggles often make these students feel frustrated, tired, or even angry; and often reach a point where they feel they are just stupid. At Forest City Vision we understand how correctable visual challenges can cause these struggles. We are here to help!
The first step to helping your student succeed is scheduling an Initial Evaluation with Dr.Weinberg at Forest City Vision. This evaluation is more in-depth than your comprehensive eye exam and is designed to test for all the visual skills required for reading and learning.
It is important to remember that when there is an underlying vision disorder people continue to struggle with reading, etc. until the vision problem is corrected. Often when the visual demands increase (such as print getting smaller with each grade level), the difficulties increase. The good news is that we can help.
If you want to put an end to the struggle and help your child succeed, call our office now to Request an Evaluation for your child.