The need for vision therapy evaluation

Why is the Vision Therapy Evaluation so important?

The Vision Therapy Evaluation typically begins from the comprehensive  examination. This is similar to what is performed in most eye care practices. The comprehensive examination has two main purposes A) determining the need for glasses or contact lenses B) ensuring the health of the eye. This is to say "are there optical lenses to get my patient seeing their best?" and "Is each eye healthy?"

The Vision Therapy Evaluation goes several steps beyond here. Once figuring out possible need for optical prescriptions and knowing the eyes are healthy, the Vision Therapy Evaluation must determine how well the eyes work together and how well the two eyes work together with the brain. There are over 17 visual skills needed to achieve in school, reading, writing and learning. Dr. Weinberg likes to break these into 4 main categories after determining a need for glasses or contacts. Those categories are teaming, tracking, focusing and visual information processing. 

Teaming-The ability to bring the eyes inward (converge) and outward (diverge). You must be able to sustain this position at near when reading a book or working on the computer and also keep the eyes aligned and working as a team in the distance. Failure here causes images and words to double, wiggle or move. This can cause loss of place while reading, words wiggle, double or swim, letter reverals, headaches etc.

Tracking or eye movement control is the ability for the eyes to work and move together to follow a targert along a path such as a line of text. Trouble here may lead to loss of place while reading, skipping or repeating words or lines. Poor sports performance and lack of coordination.

Focusing is the ability to form and sustain clear images at near and then be able to relax the eyes at distance to see clearly. Words look blurry, it may take a long time for distance vision to clear after reading, headaches or brow aches may occur.

Visual Information Processing is the ability to make sense of visual information in your environment. This includes spatial awareness, left and right awareness, hand/eye coordination, visual discrimination, visual closure, visualization and visul figure ground.

To help determine if a Vision Therapy Evaluation is right for you or your child you can use our symptom survery which has been studied and helps determine if vision is getting in the way of achieving your full potential. Click here to find the symptom survery.

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